Thursday, August 27, 2020
Running Head Multinational Corporation Free Essays
General engines is a worldwide organization that was started in 1908 by William Durant.â It has since the time stretched out its administrations to a few remote nations including Mexico. It is the world’s biggest known organization for assembling of car (Cray Chrome 1980). We will compose a custom article test on Running Head: Multinational Corporation or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Its extraordinary business exercises in Mexico are among others, arrangement of top notch Products so as to stay serious in the worldwide economy.â The pioneers in General Motors have likewise designed marketable strategies that empower them to decrease the expenses of the  Intensive building, prototyping just as tooling exercises they works in Mexico (  The General engines supervisory crew has set up a net working system for recruiting new representatives to encourage assembling and advertising of beneficiary automobiles.â The partnership has likewise extended an activity known as kick off in Mexico whose primary objectives are to inculcate the individuals who have been recently employed into the corporations’ culture and to give them a possibility of meeting workers in different pieces of the company in order to get presented to the corporations’ business pioneers (Cray Chrome, 1980).â This guarantees smooth running of the business exercises since high worker connection is built up and kept up. General engines procedure on the host nation, Mexico, has some near points of interest. Contrasted with the US, work costs in Mexico are a lot of lower and in this way General Motors Corporation has a decent potential for success in Mexico instead of US since it economically get its parts creation. Simultaneously General Motors Corporation in Mexico doesn't experience firm rivalry for abilities and innovation from many vehicle organizations than it could experience in the US (Maurice, 1995). This is all around clarified by the way that US is accepted to pick up those occupations that require high abilities and innovation as it exchanges with Mexico.â This demonstrates the vast majority of the researchers and architects who have the necessary aptitudes and innovation secure employments in the General engines partnership (Lance Ian 1998). Since it is a well paying and set up pay contrasted with some other car company in the nation. The natural issues that won during the on set of the General Motors Corporation in Mexico, for example, increasing expenses of medicinal services just as annuity costs truly influenced quick development of the organization. General engines in any case, have chipped away at these issues through working broadly with the Workers Union on ways for cutting down the wellbeing  care costs for the laborers their families just as the retirees ( Albeit General Motors Corporation in Mexico was entrenched, it additionally confronted solid and serious weight structure the other vehicle companies.â This could prompt lower deals than anticipated by the administration and in general monetary strain to the organization. In any case, General Motors Company have set out on development from that point forward and it has extended PC just as electronic substance on their vehicles (Lorean John, 1980).â It has likewise stretched out its enrollment to cover most mechanically propelled nations like China, Europe and India consequently obtaining high gifted researchers and architects. There is additionally the issue of globalization that totally has profited the General Motors Corporation.â It has been a lot simpler for the organization to gain admittance to the innovation that is being created the world over (Jagdish, 2004). In Defense of Globalization.Oxford University Press.â The various researchers and designers enlisted by the General Motors from different societies impact the way of life of the host nation, Mexico. The solid rivalry acquired by globalization has likewise made it hard for the Mexico-based vehicle organizations to contend in the market particularly the little organizations (Frederick, 1947) Settling these issues has genuine money related responsibility and long haul costs particularly when the high talented researchers and architects interest for better compensations. The Acme engines should set up solid measures whereupon its laborers are recruited or utilized in order to improve and keep up gracefully of excellent vehicles to its customers. The laborers ought to have the option to direct intensive research and be mechanically imaginative in order to empower Acme engines contend adequately in the worldwide market. References. Cray, E. Chrome C. (1980). General Motors and Its Time. New York: McGraw-Hill. Cray, E. Chrome C. (1980).A History of General Motors. New York: Smithmark  De Lorean John Z. (1980).On a Clear Day You Can See General Motors. London: Sidgwick and Jackson. David M. (2003).What the Market Does to People: Privatization, Globalization, and Poverty.â Clarity Press. Frederick H. (1947). Examples of Union-Management Relations: United Automobile Workers (CIO), General Motors.Science Research Associates. Jagdish B. (2004). In Defense of Globalization.Oxford. College Press. Maurice E. (1995).Electronic Technology, Corporate Strategy, and World Transformation.Quorum Books. Spear D. Ian M. (1998).Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology.â â Routledge. Recovered on 24th 2008, from Recovered on 24th January 2008 Recovered on 24th January 2008, from Step by step instructions to refer to Running Head: Multinational Corporation, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gendered organization and internationalist -
Question: Examine about the Gendered association and intersectionality. Answer: Presentation As of late, the job of ladies in business has developed considerably, and they began landing positions in the center just as top-level administration positions. However, it has seen that the quantity of female representatives who arrive at a top-level position is significantly low when contrasted with men. Ladies have ceaselessly demonstrated that they no not exactly contrasted with men, and they perform assume appropriate liability of top-level situations also. Ladies all through the world have demonstrated that they can perform superior to men. Indeed, even with countless accomplishments, ladies didn't get comparative regard when contrasted with men. They despite everything face the issue of sex imbalance and still companies didn't want to allocate them top-level official positions (Acker, 2012). There are different reasons which make imperceptible obstructions for ladies that stops them coming to a top-level position. One of the key issues faces by ladies is sex disparity. It has been demonstrated by different investigations that partnerships advance workers not simply founded on their presentation instead of their commitment to the endeavor or what amount are they ready to forfeit for their top-level position (Hook, 2010). Female workers face the issue of imbalance since they can't add to an association as much as possible do on account of common or social variables. Ladies all through the world face the issue of sex pay hole which implies they get less pay or advantage bundles them contrasted with their male associates. In Australia, sexual orientation pay hole is a significant issue which influences countless female workers all through various businesses (Watson, 2010). This report will break down the issues looked by human asset office while overseeing and holding representatives in an association. The essential point of this report is to break down the issue of sex imbalance hole looked by ladies around the world. The report will assess the issue of sexual orientation pay hole and how it is contrarily affecting female laborers even in global companies. This report has a more extensive degree, and it will concentrate on examining the sexual orientation imbalance issues face by ladies worldwide and how the organization has neglected to address the issue of sex pay hole. The report will evaluate how sexual orientation pays hole impact human asse t rehearses in an organization. The report will incorporate instances of different organizations that have succeeded or flopped in tending to this issue. Further, the report will give suggestions that can help with tending to the issue of sexual orientation disparity and decrease the sex pay hole. Issue of Gender Inequality Present day partnership actualizes decent variety the executives methodologies that emphasis on building up a constructive working environment condition that advances and supports individuals from various societies, religions, and race. Equivalent work opportunity (EEO) is characterized as opportunity from segregations dependent on sexual orientation, race, religion, age, or handicap so as to get equivalent development openings (Card, Cardoso Kline, 2015). The Equal Opportunity for Women in Workplace Amendment Bill 2012 gives arrangements that advance sexual orientation correspondence and equivalent compensation in present day enterprises. The Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency is an administrative body which plays out the exercises of information assembling and executing government strategies so as to advance equivalent equity and equivalent compensation in organizations (Baird, Williamson Heron, 2012). Sexual orientation imbalance despite everything exists in prese nt day companies regardless of the national and global estimates that are taken by governments or associations for tending to this issue. Out of 135 countries, just four nations have accomplished sexual orientation imbalance which incorporates Norway, Sweden, Cuba and Costa Rica. Much subsequent to making enormous progress ladies are as yet accepting less pay for comparative work. The human asset division of organizations face issue of high turnover and maintenance of female representatives, along these lines, they didn't advance them on top-level administration positions (Craig Mullan, 2010). Because of national and universal activities, the quantity of ladies in top-level administration is expanding, however the pace is significantly moderate. In 2016, ladies help 24 percent senior jobs over the world which has developed only 3 percent from 2011 (Catalyst, 2017). Ladies face different issues because of which it is hard for them to accomplish top official positions. For instance, it is a typical origination that men work to give their families though ladies remain at home to perform housework, for example, cleaning, cooking or childrens care. Despite the fact that this origination is changing particularly in created countries, it is as yet hard for ladies to work in night move because of security issues. The HR division thinks that its hard to oversee female representatives execution since they can't approach working hours when contrasted with male laborers. Female representatives think that its hard to commit 16 hours every day in their work while for men it's anything b ut an issue. The ladies face issues, for example, security issue, inappropriate behavior, workplace issues, and prejudice in the working environment (McDonald, 2012). The human asset division neglected to address female workers issues which increment their turnover and consistency standards. Because of high consistency standards, HR official abstains from recruiting female specialists as opposed to improving their work environment condition. The high pace of maintenance is caused on the grounds that HR officials neglected to keep up positive associations with representatives (Hutchinson Eveline, 2010). The HR division didn't execute suitable arrangements for inspiring or remunerating female workers execution which builds the sex disparity issues. Difficulties Face by Women because of Gender Inequality Human asset office has neglected to address the difficulties looked by ladies workers, for example, inappropriate behavior, security issues, and bigotry. Other than these issues, female specialists need certainty on the grounds that the business world is male-driven and it is loaded up with forceful and solid guys who didn't lean toward female at top-level positions. Because of absence of certainty, HR office think that its hard to oversee and improve the exhibition of female representatives. Top-level positions expect pioneers to turn out to be increasingly forceful and solid doing which male directors are considered as manly, while, female pioneers are seen as coldblooded or grating (Smith Villa, 2010). If there should be an occurrence of a female supervisor, the HR officials face trouble in keeping up discipline in light of the fact that most laborers oppose the choices of female administrators. The examination led by Bleidorn, Arslan, Denissen, Rentfrow, Gebauer, Potter Gosling ( 2016) gave that there is a critical hole in ladies certainty because of which they face disparity in the working environment and think that its hard to accomplish top-level positions. The vast majority of the ladies in the work environment face the issue of lewd behavior; as per the US Equal Employees Opportunity Commission, in excess of 75 percent of the cases are not detailed by the people in question (Golshan, 2017). Indeed, even in created nations, ladies face sexual orientation disparity issues because of which ladies are constantly falling behind as far as pay bundles and lodging. In Australia, the national sex pay hole of 15.3 percent demonstrates that there is as yet a prerequisite for development in human asset strategies in present day organizations (Hilton, 2017). The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) information gives that men acquire 22.4 percent more compensation than ladies which is AU$27,000 per year (Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2018). The sexual orientation pay hole in BBC (9.3%) demonstrates that worldwide enterprises likewise neglected to address the issues and even high-salary female representatives are confronting the issue of inco nsistent compensation (Ruddick Grierson, 2017). The absence of female representatives in top-level official position is likewise a noteworthy issue looked by ladies around the world. Proposals Following proposals can be actualized by human asset division to address the issue of sex imbalance and pay hole which advances female representatives and increment their job in top-level administrative positions. The HR division should deliver different issues identifying with female representatives, for example, lewd behavior, prejudice, and separation and comprehend their circumstance from an alternate They should execute exacting HR approaches to adequately oversee assorted variety in the association which help with advancing female specialists in the enterprise (Lavive Stutzer, 2010). HR division should actualize new sex uniformity approaches as a piece of companys Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) model which upholds them to execute them all through the association and give revelations on a yearly premise. HR division can execute successful learning and advancement techniques to improve the presentation of female specialists. HR office should build up adaptable approaches for female specialists to make an increasingly reasonable workplace for them. They ought to likewise advance workers dependent on their presentation and increment the quantity of top-level After recognizable proof of sexual orientation pay hole and absence of senior female official, BBC chose to decrease sex disparity in their association. The organization directed Equal compensation review to discover the purpose behind sex pay and execute strategies as per address such issue. The organization is concentrating on lessening sexual orientation pay hole and recruiting female representatives to end sex fairness by 2020. Different partnerships ought to likewise consider the methodology of BBC to address the issue of sex disparity and pay hole. End All in all, female representatives face issues of sex imbalance and pay hole in current companies. The high pace of sexual orientation pay hole demonstrates that ladies are dealt with unreasonably in associations. The human asset approaches in many organizations have neglected to deliver the issues identifying with female representatives. The HR division abstains from employing female laborers and
Friday, August 21, 2020
Easy Informational Essay Topics - How You Can Write an Excellent Essay
Easy Informational Essay Topics - How You Can Write an Excellent EssayEasy informative essay topics are the key to writing effective, concise and fascinating academic essays. With just a little help from a topic guide, you can be sure that you will master the skills to write more than just an ordinary essay.A very common mistake among college students is to start a topic without a clear introduction, which begins with an introductory paragraph. Unless your aim is to propose an opinion, it is better to start with a brief overview about what kind of subject matter you want to write about. You may already know that the introduction is usually the most important paragraph in any essay. However, in case you are not aware of this fact, here are some examples of how well you should start an introduction paragraph.You may also encounter students who lack good skills when it comes to writing an introduction paragraph. In such cases, an easy topic guide is the best option for them. Here are so me examples of how you can write a proper introduction paragraph.Easy informational essay topics are perfect tools to improve the skills in English composition. For example, you can use these topics to find the subject matter, choose the appropriate wordings and structure and even devise a research plan for your essay.The author of the guide written by Karen Flynn has a lot of examples and guidelines in her Easy Informational Essay Topics Guide. In other words, there is no need to worry when it comes to preparing topics and researching the most suitable keywords. When you have the right strategies and techniques, you can be sure that you will be able to complete your assignment on time.To summarize, you can consider article submission software to help you with your essays. This will help you save time and efforts when you compose your assignments, as article submission software will allow you to set the focus of your essay.Not all topics are easy for everyone to write, so you have t o make sure that you choose the correct essay topic for yourself. Easy essay topics are indeed useful for people with basic writing skills. For example, they can benefit a lot from these topics to help them build their communication skills.Before choosing essay topics, there are a few things that you have to think about. You should make sure that you find a topic that suits your skills and that is well-suited for your subject. After all, choosing the right topic is what will help you to have a well-researched essay.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Gender Roles, Religion, And Overall Treatment Of Men...
â€Å" Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own.†( Harriet Brent â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†page 119). Gender played a key role in slavery and after reading â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†it is obvious that women in slavery received far worse treatment then that of men. Not to take away the incredible injustices that were dealt upon men during slavery America, but more to emphasize the even greater hardships that African-American women faced during this time period. This paper will consist of a comparison between gender roles, religion (faith), and overall treatment of men versus women during slavery. Specific incidents collected from â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,†â€Å"Black Boy†(author Richard Wright), and various web sites will be the basis for this document. It is impossible to compare any hardships suffered by either sex during slavery to personal experience so no attempt will be made to do so. The main point will be to compare males and females in every aspect of slavery and how each dealt with their circumstances. The church system at the time of slavery was also very influential towards the treatment of slaves and especially female slaves because the white interpretation or foggy misrepresentation of the bible held white males as the superior in all aspects of life. Not even a whiteShow MoreRelatedEssay on African Americans in Slavery1520 Words  | 7 PagesAfrican Americans in Slavery â€Å" Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own.†( Harriet Brent â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†page 119). Gender played a key role in slavery and after reading â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†it is obvious that women in slavery received far worse treatment then that of men. Not to take away the incredible injusticesRead MoreAfrican American Daughters And Non Residential Fathers : A Qualitative Exploration9462 Words  | 38 Pagesexamining children’s perspectives and the relationships and levels of involvement children have with their fathers. According to Conner and White (2006), the traditional definition of fatherhood within the African American community underestimates the role of a father and further do not describe the systems that surround the African American experience adequately. 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The second part of SDT is based on the assumption that intergroup conflict and ethnocentrism is due to the way society is made up of group-based hierarchies, which have a hegemonic groupRead MoreUkuthwala Custom10402 Words  | 42 Pagessecond quarter of 2009, the media reported that ‘more than 20 Eastern Cape girls are forced to drop out of school every month to follow the traditional custom of ukuthwala (forced marriage)’.[1] Girls as young as 12 years are forced to marry older men, in some cases with the consent of their parents or guardians. Commenting on the matter, Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) chairman, Chief Mwelo Nokonyana, said ukuthwala was ‘an old custom that was now being wrongly practicedRead MoreStudy Guide9234 Words  | 37 Pagesinsight into how the world really works. 3. What is a social institution and how does it relate to social identity? Choose a sports team or another social institution to illustrate your answer. Sample answer: Social institutions include the family, religion, education, the economy, the government, and even sports. The goal of a social institution is to meet the basic social needs. The initial goal of playing sports is to have fun and win. It can even be a profession. But the institution of sports doesRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagescontrolled fully by the elite who, to a large extent, ran the educational apparatus and the economic system. But much of the country was beginning to question in earnest the structure of colonial society by the early 1930s. The emergence of Rasta during that period corresponds with so much that was happening around the world. Rastas could tell that social unrest in Jamaica was going to lead to a movement away from colonial rule and, having heard Marcus Garvey speak of the importance of Africa toRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. 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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics in Marketing 4. Have you understood type questions 5. Summary 6. Exercises 7. References 1. INTRODUCTION: TheRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesreshaping the global balance of economic power. Many emerging markets continued to experience growth during a period in which developed countries saw their economies stagnate or decline. The global political environment remains volatile and uncertain, with ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Africa and continuing tensions in Iran, North Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan, especially as the U.S. role in these latter two countries evolves. On the economic front, failure to conclude important trade agreementsRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 PagesArticle Second Thoughts on Going Public Article Reed−Lajoux †¢ The Art of M A: Merger/Acquisitions/Buyout Guide, Third Edition 10. Postmerger Integration 336 336 Text Hodgetts−Luthans−Doh †¢ International Management, Sixth Edition II. The Role of Culture 390 390 423 4. The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture 5. Managing Across Cultures iv Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum: The Power of Management Capitol 1. New Management for Business Growth in a Demanding Economy Text  © The McGraw−Hill
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Mode Of Transportation We Use Most Today Is The...
The mode of transportation we use most today is the personal vehicle. â€Å"Henry Ford’s dream of everyone having a personal car has almost come true. Cars have become a status symbol in many society and the more cars you have the richer you appear.†(Chauhan 2016) Tata Group is a global enterprise, which was founded by Jamsetji in 1868. Their headquarters are in India. â€Å"There are 29 publicly-listed Tata enterprises with a combined market capitalization of about $134 billion (as on March 31, 2015). Tata companies with significant scale include Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Global Beverages, Tata Teleservices, Titan, Tata Communications and Indian Hotels.†(Tata 2016) Tata Motors is one of†¦show more content†¦It was started with no previous relationship in the automobile industry and became one of the leading manufacturers in the world (Turnipseed and Gamble 2014). The other international strate gy option is the joint ventures that Tata Motors created with numerous other car companies such as Daimler-Benz, Tata Holset, MG-Rover, Fiat and many others. The most profitable of those turned out to be the Jaguar-Land Rover and Fiat. After the official merger and acquisition of Jaguar-Land Rover in 2013 (JaguarLandRover 2016), Tata Motors was able to target a significantly different market in the premium market segment. The capital on growth opportunities with acquiring two globally recognized brands was considerably high. â€Å"The division s unit sales increased from 314,433 in 2012 to 372,062 in 2013 to 429,861 in 2014. The division s rise in sales and profitability was largely a result of the growing popularity of its Land Rover brand, which included the Defender, LR2, LR4, Range Rover Evoque, Range Rover Sport, and Range Rover models. Land Rover sales accounted for 82.8 percent of the luxury division s unit sales in 2013 and 84.5 percent of the division s sales in 2014. While Jaguar s XF and XJ sedans struggled to compete against BMW, Mercedes, and other luxury performance sedans, its XK and F-Type coupes and convertibles had received strong interest among luxury sports car enthusiasts. Unit sales for the Jaguar brand increased by 37 percent between 2013 and 2014.â€
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The French Revolution By Edmund Burke Essay - 1538 Words
One of the most critical moments for human history, the French Revolution transpired amongst a slew of issues which caught France at a point of near destruction. Historians have debated for centuries whether the country has truly benefitted from this ten-year war within itself or the consequences of the bloody revolution, which includes the killing of thousands of people, were actually necessary. The outcome of the French Revolution did not immediately bring about the destruction of the monarchy and financial prosperity amongst the lower class. Renown critic of the Revolution, Edmund Burke, discusses his distaste for the manners in how the French people violently handled the circumstances they were in through his writing of Reflections on the French Revolution. Contrary to the beliefs of those more conservative, the country’s rewards after the long battle outweigh the repercussions because of the long term benefits reaped for the people of France, which may have not been visib le until much later in history. Although there are negative viewpoints of the controversial borderline destruction of the nation of France beginning in 1789, seen in Burke’s Reflections on the French Revolution and Olympe De Gouge’s Declaration of the Rights of Women, the clear constructive significance of the French Revolution and its successful introduction to the slogan â€Å"liberty, equality, and fraternity†can be observed in Thomas Paine’s The Rights of Man. Among one of the first well-knownShow MoreRelated Edmund Burke and Thomas Paines Views on the French Revolution645 Words  | 3 PagesEdmund Burke and Thomas Paines Views on the French Revolution Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine were two of the several strongly-opinionated individuals writing back-and-forth in response to what the others were saying about the French Revolution. Burke, a critic, writes first. Paine, a supporter, responds. In the excerpt from Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burke argues in favor of King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. When Marie was murdered, Burke says, â€Å"As aRead MoreComparing Edmund Burke And Mary Wollstonecrafts Thoughts On The French Revolution1245 Words  | 5 PagesSeptember 2017 Burke and Wollstonecraft Comparing Edmund Burke and Mary Wollstonecraft’s Thoughts On The French Revolution Many would think that prominent Romantics would not care about politics or government. However, when the French Revolution started in 1789 many Romantics, such as William Wordsworth, Edmund Burke, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Mary Wollstonecraft, took strong stances on both sides of the Revolution. William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge eventually sided with Edmund Burke on theRead MoreEdmund Burke and Thomas Paine: A Comparative Analysis of Their Views on the French Revolution913 Words  | 4 PagesEdmund Burke and Thomas Paine differed strongly on their views of the French revolution and the wisdom of the proceedings of the French National Assembly in 1789-90. In his book Reflections on the Revolution in France the conservative Edmund Burke argued that the concept of universal human rights that applied internationally across all societies was a meaningless abstraction that was subversive of social order, while in The Rights of Man the radical democrat Thomas Paine insisted that all human beingsRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Revolution1336 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis The French Revolution was such an important time history. Not only was it a massacre with many lives being lost, including that of Queen Marie Antoinette and her husband King Louis XVI, it was also a time of great political turmoil which would turn man against man that being the case of Edmond Burke and Thomas Paine. Edmond Burke a traditionalist who believed the people should be loyal to the king against his former friend, Thomas Paine a free thinker who believed in order for things toRead MoreEdmund Burke : From Reflections On The Revolutions1189 Words  | 5 PagesEdmund Burke: From Reflections on the Revolutions in France The French Revolution began in the year of 1792 and ended the year 1802. The war originally began as a defense for the revolution but became a battle of conquest under the reign of the European Empire. The French Revolution caused hostility from monarchs, nobles and clergy. These three groups feared the idea of republican ideas abroad. Austrian and Persian rulers created the declaration of Pillnitz in the month of August stating that, theyRead MoreEssay about Paine and Burke1644 Words  | 7 PagesHOW FAR DO POLITICAL PHILOSOPHIES OF EITHER HOBBES AND LOCKE OR PAINE AND BURKE DIFFER. This essay will examine the philosophical difference between Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine relating to the French and American Revolutions at the late Eighteenth Century. We are going to present a summary of the debate between these two different philosophers in the first part of this essay. The pros and cons of each man will be looked at in the second and third part of the essay and the final part of thisRead MoreEdmund Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in France and John Stuart Mills On Liberty1277 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper I will compare the theories and ideas from both Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France and John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty. In comparing these two philosophers, I will be paralleling their ideas and my own ideas I will be attributing them towards the modern day whistleblower, Edward Snowden. Political figures, government representatives and philosophy advocates have carefully studied Burke’s and Mill’s writ ings over hundreds of years to better understand their theoriesRead MoreReflections on the Revolution in France629 Words  | 3 Pages Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) Edmund Burke published the Reflections on the Revolution in France in 1790; after the Bastille had been stormed by the Paris mol. He reflects upon about how France was very chaotic. Burke opposed the values of his contemporary revolutionaries; and he predicted that the French revolution would cause problems of fear and chaos to the country. Burke also believed that the revolutionary leaders were more interested in themselves and that they wanted powerRead MoreThe View Of Human Nature : Thomas Paine And Edmund Burke930 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?†was one expression constantly being used in the European Middle Ages to describe the view of human nature for Thomas Paine and Edmund Burke. Although both authors have differing views of what it means to be free and equal, they also show differences in their attitude against the type of government within society. With so many differences of opinions between these authors it s eems as if there is not much common ground. For Thomas Paine,Read MoreJohn Locke And Edmund Burke s Political Rebellion929 Words  | 4 PagesBoth John Locke and Edmund Burke support political rebellion under specific circumstances. What differentiates these two political theorists in their discussions of revolution? Please make reference to both Second Treatise of Government and Reflections on the Revolution in France when answering this question. Cite the texts and be specific. Many philosophers and theorists have spoken on the value, or lack thereof, of revolution. In Second Treatise of Government, John Locke builds the concept of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Life How it is. free essay sample
Jamie Berry September 13, 2009 Honors English 11 Prompt: Describe and obstacle or challenge facing you, your family, school, or community. What have you or do to address this challenge? How does Colorado State University fit into your plan? Where I come from is a small rural area, were a college education is very important if you want to make a good living. I am considering going down this path having a good education and an amazing job that I absolutely love. My parents weren’t so fortunate to have an opportunity like this. My dad is from Turlock, California but dropped out of school during his senior year to drive truck and move out on his own. When he came to Colorado he meet my mom fell in love got married and had a family and started his living working for a farm. Now we own a garage door business that doesn’t do bad but don’t make a lot, he also helps my relatives with their farm. We will write a custom essay sample on Life How it is. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My mom on the other hand, graduated from Alamosa High School and got married to my dad right after and has been working for City Market since she was 21. When I was in Junior High she recently went back to college at Trinidad State Junior College in Alamosa, she graduated in 2005 with her Associate’s degree in Business but continues to work at City Market. As you can see my parents chose not to take this path of going to college and getting out of this small little place in which we live. Jamie on the other hand, is currently a junior at Sangre de Cristo high school I can be very smart if I push myself. Pushing myself these last two years is one of my goals I’m enrolled in a lot of courses such as Honors English 11, FFA, Cheer, Prom Committee, Basketball and Track. After high school I plan on attending college, one of the challenges I am faced with though is we don’t have a lot of money and college can be very expensive. Something I am taking in consideration is getting a good education so my kids can have a good life and won’t have to worry about college expenses like me. Knowing college is very hard and time consuming pushes me to do my best and keep a level head and not to get caught up in the ways of the world. Colorado State University can offer a lot and will fit into my plan expectedly. My long life goal has always been to do well in my life and give my family and me a better way of life then that I had. The lifestyle I live isn’t bad but not great we get by and do good but I want to strive to make a difference in my life. Life for me has had a lot of ups and a lot of downs but no matter what I always kept my head high and make the best out of every situation with a smile on my face. The first time I realized that this would be a goal for me was when I started realizing my parent struggle financially sometimes I knew it was hard for them to make it and as a kid it was hard for me not to ask for the things I really wanted because I knew we could use that money for something we really need. Now days it gets harder and harder to sustain a living in this economy, as of right now we’re an a recession and money gets more and more scarce with that bills get more harder to pay every month, something I see that hurts my parents in the pockets. Seeing this make s me want to make a difference for me and get a job that I will love for the rest of my life. In the future I plan to go to college I really want to go to CSU, visiting CSU in the past helped me to make the decision that some day I wanted to go to this school. Coming from a small place i would really like to get out of. CSU is located in Fort Collins which seems like a pretty well mannered place and not a small town or a really big city. I’ve heard and researched a lot about campus life and about the classes and education, from what I heard I think it would be a great place to live and an experience I would never forget. My plan is to major in Biomedical and get my LPN, I haven’t really got to hear too much about the Nursing program but what I have heard isn’t bad. Some weakness I have is I don’t like to study and kind of butt heads with the books when it comes down to study, but as stated above if I push myself to do excellent then it will come for me you just have to work for it if you really want it, which I plan to do. Along with not liking to study there is times when I can get distracted very easily, overcoming this shouldn’t be a problem as long as I keep a level head and keep my goals in sight, I’ve done it before so this shouldn’t be a problem. I have been through a lot so it just makes me that much determined and focused to do well in college and succeed in life. Now that you know a little about me and my future plans I can assure you that I will stick to my word and do everything talked about in this essay. CSU would be an awesome opportunity with a great environment and would be an honor to be a student.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Harnischfeger Corporation Essay Example
Harnischfeger Corporation Paper Questions 1. Identify all the accounting policy changes and the accounting estimates that Harnischfeger made during 1984. Estimate, as accurately as possible, the effect of these on the company? s 1984 reported profits. 2. What do you think are the motives of Harnischfeger? s management in making the changes in its financial reporting policies? Do you think investors will see through these changes? Answers 1. Identify all the accounting policy changes and the accounting estimates that Harnischfeger made during 1984. Estimate, as accurately as possible, the effect of these on the company? s 1984 reported profits. a. Changes that affect the Harnischfeger Revenues: †¢ The company start to account Kobe Steel sales in US, previously it only add the gross margin in the financial statement. (this sales represents $28 millions) †¢ Sales to a foreign subsidiary starts to be consolidated as a net revenues (this sales represents $5,4 millions) b. Changes that affect the Harnischfeger profitability: †¢ Change in the depreciation accounting method from accelerated to straight line method. Increase of $11 million in 1984 income †¢ Change on the company’s net residual value. Increased net income in $ 3,4 millions c. Inventories Liquidation: †¢ The company had a $ 2,4 million increase in its net income, as a result of LIFO inventory liquidation. 2. What do you think are the motives of Harnischfeger? s management in making the changes in its financial reporting policies? Do you think investors will see through these changes? It seems that the company had a better accounting result, not a better â€Å"operating†result. We will write a custom essay sample on Harnischfeger Corporation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Harnischfeger Corporation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Harnischfeger Corporation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In order to report a better financial Statement (and increase its bonus based on accounting net income) the management decrease depreciation â€Å"levels†, increase revenues and switch inventories method of accounting. In my point of view, the expense reduction in SGA might be not enough to change the scenario. Worst than that is the cut on investment in RD, which apparently happened in 1984 and might affect future growth and results. There are good chances that the company’s investors do not see these actions with good eyes†¦
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
A review of the book The Berlin Diary
A review of the book The Berlin Diary In the Berlin Diary, many types of leadership were exhibited in the democracies of France, Great Britain, and the United States of America. In this paper, I will identify the leaders of this very violent period, and attempt to analyze each democracy's leadership as it relates to World War II.FRANCE AND DALADIEROn his second go-around as Premier of France, Edouard Daladier was faced with a minor crisis in which he failed to make a decision. He had given permission for demonstrations to take place at the Place de la Concorde, which turned violent. Daladier had government troops standing by, but refused to use them, ultimately resulting in 16 deaths and several hundred people being wounded. Daladier resigned later that day. This type of leadership was pure cowardice. He was an exoskeletal leader; hard on the outside, soft in the middle, and couldn't make a timely decision. When he decided to act, it was too late.Chamberlain, MinnesotaThe spinelessness of Daladier and Neville Chamberlain of Britain are two of the reasons why Hitler remained so powerful. This brings me to the second democracy of the era, Great Britain.GREAT BRITAIN AND CHAMBERLAINGreat Britain's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain was from the same basic mold as Daladier. He was pretty much a pushover, who thought that he was the bully. With the naval superiority that Great Britain had, Chamberlain probably could've done serious damage to the Axis. But like Daladier, Chamberlain didn't have the guts to stand up for his country. Great Britain's navy was by far the most superior, superficial navy in Europe. Why didn't he attempt taking on the Axis? Why didn't Daladier and Chamberlain initiate a plan to try and stop Hitler?The answer: they were both spineless leaders who were scared and unprepared to fight a war.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Assess the role of the French Revolution in the Rise of Nationalism Essay
Assess the role of the French Revolution in the Rise of Nationalism - Essay Example Originally, the revolution was seen as an accepted rebellion against the supreme power of the king and against the civil liberties and wealth of the selected few, however, they were carried out in the name of liberation, egalitarianism, and fraternity. Nevertheless, in actual sense it resulted to the loss of liberation, tyranny, and nationalism, additionally, the revolution was due to a detestation of tradition and yearning to utilize the power of the state to generate a new-fangled order. Therefore, people were bestowed new identities as citizens of the state, but to put an end to the resistance towards revolution and the new order, about 18,000 - 40,000 people were killed.3 Thus, because of the death of many people, the revolution was not capable of establishing a long-lasting system of governance, hence, in the subsequent century; France could be ruled differently as a republic, a tyranny, a legitimate realm, and two diverse empires and under several dissimilar constitutions. In addition to that, the following incidents caused by the revolution encompass the Napoleonic wars, the re-establishment of the realm, and two extra revolutions as recent France developed.4 Moreover, numerous incidents took place during the revolution that started from the very significant function of National Assembly beginning 1789 to 1791.5 This was followed by the collapse of the fort of Bastille, assertion of human rights, the detention of king and queen that was later followed by their murder, stop of the reign of terror with Robespear. Furthermore, revolution put an end to tyrannical and corrupt rule in France, judicious thoughts overthrew the orthodox, limitless monarchy, and feudalism was discarded.6 On the other hand, revolution had also consequences on the world in which it provided recommendation to the world that the king can never be an emissary of God but of people. Revolution also
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Cocaine Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Cocaine - Research Paper Example Cocaine use is higher in the adults aged between 18 and 25 years compared to other age groups, with cocaine use in the past month being reported by 1.5 percent young adults (NIDA, 2010). Also, cocaine use is more common in men as compared to women. The annual Monitoring and Future survey in 2009 surveyed drug use and teen attitudes, reporting a considerable reduction in the 30-day powder cocaine use prevalence among children in the 8th, 10th, and 12th grades than they were in the late 1990s (NIDA, 2010). Repeated use of cocaine leads to addiction as well as other health consequences. NSDUH reported in 2008 that as many as 1.4 million Americans complied with the criteria set by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for abuse of cocaine or dependence on it within the previous year (NIDA, 2010). In addition to that, the 2008 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) noted the involvement of cocaine in 482,188 of up to 2 million cases of drug abuse or misuse in the emergency departments (NIDA, 2010). This can be interpreted as one in four cases of drug abuse or misuse involving cocaine reported in the emergency department visits. Cocaine causes high addiction. It is almost impossible for an individual using cocaine to be able to control or predict the extent to which they will use it. The risk of relapse upon addiction is very high even if the individual experiences long periods of abstinence from the drug. Memory of exposure to or experience of cocaine during the periods of abstinence can trigger immense craving for the drug. Withdrawal symptoms of cocaine include but are not limited to restless behavior, agitation, fatigue, depression, generalized malaise, slowing of activity, increased appetite, unpleasant dreams and nausea (NIH, 2014). The individual can experience depression and craving for several months after cessation of heavy use of
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Diversity within Society Essay Example for Free
Diversity within Society Essay This essay will discuss some of the changes brought to Britain by immigration and new religious teachings. It will briefly analyse some of the benefits and how these still contribute to our society by improving this country. Furthermore, it will show that immigration has led to religious diversity making us a multicultural society. Britain nowadays is an extremely diverse country. There are people of different nationalities and religions all around us and we have learnt to adjust to their own ways and beliefs. With immigration we have embraced new changes: fashion, food, music and festivals. New religions have taught us to be a more tolerant society and become more accepting of other faiths. Some fashion is influenced through migrants, for instance the Hindu sari’s colours and style have helped shape the evening backless gowns. The burka however, still creates great controversy. Although there is a merging of fashion similarly fashion can also separate. It would seem people are judged by their sense of dress, whether they dress for cultural or religious reasons. Today there are even magazines in the media to help expand our knowledge of Islam. Most notably, the Emel is a British lifestyle magazine that reports on contemporary British Muslim culture. Launched in 2003, it was previously only available in Muslim bookshops. It has since become the most widely read British Muslim magazine in Britain and now attracts interest from non-Muslim readers too. As well as covering fashion it also informs on other aspects of life such as consumerism and politics, health and education. The whole aim of the magazine is to explain the positives aspects of Islam to non-Muslims and reduce fear and tension. (Emel, 20/05/2013) Another example of change in the fashion is that Indian people have brought with them their knowledge of threading, a method of facial hair removal, which is currently very popular amongst both women and men. One particularly striking aspect that affected Britain tremendously is new food. Immigration and religion have enriched Britain’s diet. These days there is a large variety of restaurants presenting foreign cuisines. We can have our pick of Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Indian, Italian, Spanish, Mexican and many others to suit our tastes. Amazingly, there are even some restaurants that of fer a mix of cultural gastronomy allowing us the luxury of selection and variation on the same plate. For some people these days, the Indian dish, the curry especially, is a favourite meal and most popular in Britain. In particularly, some people also choose to adapt a Mediterranean diet for health reasons. The food we consume is also determined by our religious beliefs. In Christianity, fish is eaten on Good Friday as a way of celebrating Jesus whereas in Islam and Hinduism, pork is out of the menu as the pig is seen as a dirty animal. Also in Hinduism, beef is not consumed as Hindus believe the cow is holy. British popular music also shows many influences from immigration. Immigrants have brought new musical sounds like reggae, ska and calypso. Black music, most notably RnB has had a lasting impact on British popular culture. Pop music is another indicator of the multicultural nature of Britain today. In most UK towns and cities it is possible for worshippers of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and many other religions to find somewhere to celebrate their faith in a community safely with others. The most known religious festivals in Britain are Christmas and Easter as part of Christianity. Eid is the second most important festival in the Muslim calendar. In the same way Christians celebrate Jesus at Christmas, Muslims celebrate Raham at Eid. Both events are about sharing, music, party and simply good fun. In Hinduism, Diwali is perhaps the most well-known Hindu festival. It is known as the ‘festival of lights’ and this five day festival honours Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. The Notting Hill Carnival in London is the largest street festival in Europe. It originated in 1964 as a way for Afro-Caribbean communities to celebrate their own cultures and traditions. It celebrates the abolition of slavery and freedom. It takes place every August Bank Holiday weekend and since festivals invite participation, every year people get together to enjoy this amazing, lively event and savour the Caribbean food on offer. On the whole, it is obvious immigration has brought significant benefits to Britain. Immigrants have enriched our society by working hard and creating jobs. They have offered us all the beneficial changes previously mentioned and we could no longer live without them. As a result, Britain is now a far stronger society. Immigration has educated us to be more aware the ‘other’ making us open, tolerant, diverse and welcoming and this is something Britain should be proud of. BIBLIOGRAPHY Emel,, (2O/05/2013) BBC,, (20/05/2013) BBC,, (20/05/2013), (20/05/2013)
Monday, January 20, 2020
Success Essay -- essays research papers
~~†If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, and endeavors to lead a life which they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.†– Henry David Thoreau What is success?           Is it the process of doing a task and receiving a positive result, or is it simply achieving ones own personal goals? One’s ability to succeed in life is almost directly related to an image of the perception of what success is. Many of America's most successful businessmen, such as J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie, understood what it took to survive in the rapidly evolving business world. Their belief was that success is tangible only through smart business interactions and good money management, personality and good looks only serve as a bonus. Rene Gallimard in Madame Butterfly and Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman evidently did not grasp these experts' concept of success. Both Willy Loman and Rene Gallimard define success as their antithesis, and measure their level of accomplishment against their individual barometers for success. Willy Loman preaches that success comes hand in hand with a great smile and a jovial personality but he believes that success is hidden in far off opportunities. Rene Gallimard defines a successful person as one who has the ability to control and maintain power over another. Both of these images are tainted because they are simply representations of their maligned, s...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Reasons for Communication Essay
The reasons why people communicate is to (a) express needs (b) to share ideas (c) to build relationship and socialise (d) to ask question and share experience 1.2HOW COMMUNICATION AFFECTS RELATIONSHIP IN THE WORK SETTING communication affects relationship at work place e.g. with colleagues, people using services, children and their families, help to build trust, understanding of individual needs, communication is used to negotiate, to prevent or resolve conflict and prevent misunderstanding. Relevant theories e.g. tuck man stages of group interaction (forming, storming, norming and performing) Read more: Reasons for communication essay 2.2 THE FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN PROMOTING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Argule’s stages of the communication cycle (ideas occur, message coded, message sent, message received, message decoded, message understood) type of communication for example complex, sensitive, normal or non-normal: context of communication e.g. one-one; group, with people using services, children or young people, with professional/colleagues; purpose of communication; cultural factors, needs to adapt communication; environment; time and resources available 3.1 HOW PEOPLE DIFFERENT BACKGROUND MAY USE AND/OR INTERPRET COMMUNICATION METHODS IN DIFFERENT WAYS People from different backgrounds may use or interpret communication in different ways by looking at that ;an individual background can influence communication for example age, gender, culture, socio economic status: differences in verbal communication e.g. language, vocabulary, dialect, intonations, non-verbal e.g. facial expression, use of body language, eye contact, gesture etc 3.2 THE BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION The barriers to effective communication are: language e.g. dialect, use of jargons, sector specific vocabulary. Environment e.g. noise, poor lighting. Emotional and behavioural e.g. attitude, anxiety, lack of confidence, aggression, sensory impairment health or medical conditions learning disability, effect of alcohol or drugs 3.5 HOW TO ACCESS EXTRA SUPPORT OR SERVICES TO ENABLE INDIVIDUALS TO COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY To access extra support and services, the use of interpreting services; translation services; speech and language services; advocacy services; third sector organisations example stroke association, royal institute for deaf people (RNID) 4.1 THE MEANING OF THE TERM CONFIDENTIALITY The term confidentiality means one person receives personal or sensitive information from another person. This information should not be passed on to anyone else without the person from whom the personal or sensitive information was received: meaning of confidentiality as contained in principles of current legislation e.g. the data protection act of 1998 4.3THE POTENTIAL TENSIONS BETWEEN MAINTAINIG AN INDIVIDUAL’S CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCLOSING CONCERNS Maintaining confidentiality in day to day communication in different inter-personal situation e.g. adult receives personal or young person receives personal or sensitive information about other adults or colleagues, child or young person receives personal or sensitive information about an adult, following policies and procedures in own work place setting for example policies from sharing information, situations where unconditional confidentiality cannot be maintained, support and guidance regarding confidential information, role of manager or supervisor, referral, training types of information to the collection, recording and storage of different of information There is a potential tension caused by confidentiality and the need to disclose information when information; understanding when information may be shared without consent, concept of need to know, need for transparent policy and protocols in information sharing Unit 2 1.1THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWN WORK ROLE the duties and responsibilities of own work role are: contractual responsibility e.g. hours, line of reporting, specific roles and responsibilities e.g. behavioural support, supporting children and young people with special educational needs, supporting bilingual children and young people: compliance with policies and procedures of work setting e.g. behaviour, children and young people protection,. Health and safety: keeping up to date with changes to procedures; keeping up to date with practice 1.2 THE EXPECTATIONS ABOUT OWN WORK ROLE AS EXPRESS IN RELEVANT STANDARDS the expectations of own work role as express in relevant standards are example national occupational standards for children’s care, learning and development (NOS CCLD), national occupational standards for learning and development for support services (NOS LOSS) in relation to duties and responsibilities e.g. role to support children or young people with educational needs , expectation to meet standards 2.1 THE IMPORTANCE OF REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN CONTINIOUSLY IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SERVICES PROVIDED The importance for reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided and aiming to continually review progress to improve or change approaches, strategies, actions, benefits to children, young people. Setting and individual of improved performance e.g. enable learning to take place and practice to improve. Enables all relevant factors to be taken into account. Provides clarity, identification of learning cycle (KOLB) 2.3 HOW OWN VALUES, BELIEF SYSTEMS AND EXPERIENCE MAY AFFECT WORKING PRACTICE Personal values, belief system and experience may affect working practice through self-awareness of values, beliefs experience affection approach to working practice example motivation, conformity, cooperation, consistency, respect fairness, creativity of previous experience of learning: ways of own values affect practice positively and negatively e.g. conflict between own values, beliefs and standards 4.1 THE SOURCES OF SUPPORT FOR PLANNING AND REVIEWING OWN DEVELOPMENT The sources of support for planning and reviewing own development can be: sources of support e.g. mentor, supervisor, teacher, manager, local authority, training providers awarding organisation further and higher educational institutions, learning direct, teachers development agencies (TDA). Children’s workforce development council (CWDC) 5.1 THE EVALUATION OF HOW LEARNING ACTIVITIES HAVE AFFECTED PRACTICE Learning activities such as formal lessons, training programmes/sessions research activities observing practice, practical activities can affect practice by applying newly learnt theories and using different approaches. How reflective practice leads to improved ways of working e.g. ways that continually challenging current behaviour has developed and enhanced own practice and skills: how monitoring own practice has enabled changes to take place UNIT 3 1.1 WHAT IS MEANT BY THE TERMS DIVERSITY, EQUALITY AND INCLUSION Diversity- differences between individuals and groups e.g. culture, nationality, ability ethnic origin, gender, age religion, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class Equality- this is the promotion of individual rights, giving choices and opportunity, respect and fairness, services in response to individual needs. Inclusion- individual at the centre of planning and support, valuing diversity 1.2 THE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF DISCRIMINATIONS The effect of discriminations is: direct discrimination, institutional discrimination etc. Individual being treated less favourably than others: lack of opportunities, prejudice and injustice. 1.2 HOW INCLUSIVE PRACTICE PROMOTES EQUALITY AND SUPPORT DIVERSITY Promoting equality: policies and procedures in work place setting inclusive practice procedures: challenging discrimination, promoting rights, empowering, removing barriers e.g. physical access to effective communication, improving participation, promoting dignity and respect, individual at the centre of planning and delivery of services. Supporting diversity, valuing differences between using positive images of individual from diverse groups. Celebrating differences 2.1 HOW LEGISLATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE RELATING TO EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND DISCRIMINATION APPLY TO OWN WORK ROLE Legislation and codes of practice: codes of practice of sector, policies of work place settings, human rights act 1998, disability discrimination act 2005, special educational needs and disability act2001, race relation (amendment) act 2000,the equality act 2010, the European convention on human rights 3.3 HOW TO CHALLENGE DISCRIMINATION IN A WAY THAT PROMOTES CHANGE In order to challenge discrimination to promote change, I will identify and challenge discrimination behaviour; recognised stereotypes in attitude or written materials; understand and adopt own belief attitude; know how to report concerns; review and develop policies and procedures UNIT 4 1.1 WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE A DUTY OF CARE IN OWN WORK ROLE duty of care in own work role is accountability e.g. exercising authority, managing risk working, safe guarding children and young people, monitoring own behaviour and conduct, maintaining confidentiality, storing personal information appropriately, reporting concerns and allegations, making professional judgement, maintaining professional boundaries, avoiding favouritism, maintaining high standards for conduct outside the professional role 1.2 HOW DUTY OF CARE CONTRIBUTES TO SAFEGUARDING OR PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUALS The contribution of duty of care to safeguarding and protection of individuals is safeguarding children and young people e.g. protection from sexual, physical or emotional harm, preserving respect and dignity. Engendering trust protecting children and young people e.g. safety in the environment, safe use of resources and equipment, prevention from intimidation or humiliation, protecting self e.g. ensuring against risk of allegation of misconduct or abuse. Avoiding risk of accusation of malpractice 2.1 THE POTENTIAL CONFLICT OR DILEMMA THAT MAY ARISE BETWEEN THE DUTY OF CARE AND THE INDIVIDUAL’S RIGHT The potential conflict or dilemma and individual right that may arise between individual rights and duty of care are e.g. attitudes and unsafe behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, abuse, treating, staying out without permission aggression and violent, bulling and intimidation, vandalism. Individual rights for example respect for views and actions, safety and security, love and belonging, education equality 2.2 HOW TO MANAGE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH CONFLICT OR DILEMMABETWEEN AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT AND DUTY OF CARE In order to manage risks associated with conflict or dilemma will be by e.g. implementing policies and codes of practice, acting in individual’s best interest, fostering culture of openness and support, being consistent, maintaining professional boundaries, following systems for raising concerns 2.3WHERE TO GET ADDITIONAL SUPPORT AND ADVICE ABOUT CONFLICT AND DILEMMA ADDITIONAL SUPPORT AND DILEMMA CAN BE GOT FROM: EG LINE MANAGEMENT, TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, SCHOOL/ college advices, counselling services, mediation and advocacy services 3.1 methods of responding to complaints Ways in which we can respond to complaints are: e.g. listening to complaints, referring complaints to policy, suggesting that complaints be made in writing, reporting complaint to line manager 3.2 THE POINTS OF AGREED PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS The main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints are: e.g. acknowledgement of complaints, stages within procedures, report and recommendation, review and appeals Unit 5 The aim of this assessment is to understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection of vulnerable people from abuse. The assessment will take into account and how to understand ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse and finally knows how to respond and report unsafe practices. 3.1 THE NATIONAL POLICIES AND LOCAL SYSTEMS THAT RELATES TO SAFEGUARDING AND PROTECTION FROM ABUSE According to the codes of practice, all agencies and individuals involved with vulnerable adults have duty to protect them from abuse. The wishes of the vulnerable adults should be central to the use of the multi-agency policies and procedures for the protection of vulnerable adults from abuse. The policies and procedures respects an adult’s rights to live free from abuse in accordance with the principles of respect, dignity, autonomy, privacy, beliefs and equality. Services will be provided in a manner in which does not discriminate on grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or b eliefs, disability, gender, age or sexual orientation 3.2 THE ROLES OF DIFFERENT AGENCIES IN SAFEGUARDING AND PROTECTING INDIVIDUALS FROM ABUSE It is the responsibility of everyone to seek to prevent and protect vulnerable people fro abuse. Suspected or actual abuse must be reported to social services or the police within 24 hours. An adult protection enquiry coordinator will be appointed by social services to coordinate the investigation and will a senior practitioner or first tier manager with appropriate skills, in most cases, an inter-agency strategy meeting, chaired by a senior manager at team manager level or above will be converted to determined the action plan 3.3 REPORTS INTO SERIOUS FAILURES TO PROTECT INDIVIDUALS FROM ABUSE Agencies have a duty of care to protect vulnerable adults from abuse and to recognised and take actions within the present legal framework, there will be occasions when vulnerable adults may choose to remain at risk in dangerous situations. Professional staff may find no statutory power in cases where the adult is judge to sufficient capacity to make his/her own choices and refuses the help or treatment which the staff or carer feels is needed and where public interest consideration do not apply. In this case, the decision of the vulnerable should be respected. At the same time, accurate record must be made of the situation 3.4 SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ADVICE ABOUT OWN ROLE IN SAFEGUARDING AND PROTECTING INDIVIDUALS FROM ABUSE Confidentiality must not be confused with secrecy. Staffs have clear duty to report any concerns they have relating to abuse or suspected abuse of vulnerable adults to their line manager at their earliest opportunity. Workers in all agencies owe a duty of confidentiality to vulnerable adults. A vulnerable adult has a right to expect that information about them and held on them in what ever form, will be treated with due regards to the principles of confidentiality. These principles are applicable to information sharing both within and between agencies in matters concerning abuse.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Age Thirteen A Tough Age For Some - 918 Words
Age thirteen can be a tough age for some. It is the start of one s teen years and that of puberty. Also the year I graduated the eighth grade and moved on to become a freshman in high school. Unfortunately, it was also the age my parents decided to go separate ways and divorce. Divorce as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is the end of a marriage by legal process. The word divorce makes many teens feel uneasy; some know the meaning all too well. The thought of my parents divorcing was living in the back of my mind, due to their constant arguing and fighting. When parents fight it causes us teens to feel sad and unhappy. Having to go through this process as a teen is difficult and even more so, to confront it. My goal is to share ways to help you cope with your guardians divorcing. The first and most important step to help you get by this is to not blame yourself. This is most likely to be your immediate reaction and perhaps say this is all my fault†, when in reality you were never the problem to begin with. Many teens, like myself, get caught in between their parents who are arguing and angry with each other. It may be even harder for, you to know that your peers still have both parents in a relationship. Do not let that bother you. In fact, you never know if their parents will divorce in the future. Author Kingsolver says in her piece â€Å"Stone Soup†that, we are statistically more likely to divorce, and to live in blended families or other extra nuclearShow MoreRelatedTreat Juveniles Differently than Adult Criminals Essay1010 Words  | 5 PagesTreat Juveniles Differently than Adult Criminals I do not think it is a good idea to lock juveniles up in prisons with adults. For a child to set down and plan a murder for instance, there would have to be some kind of deep emotional problem. On the other side of this, if the child knows right from wrong and he can sit down and plan a murder, then you could say if he is old enough to kill someone then he is old enough to die. The juvenile criminal is rooted much deeper than right fromRead MoreJeffrey Dahmer, The Milwaukee Monster1367 Words  | 6 Pagesresulting in withdrawal from Jeffrey. At the age of four he suffered from a double hernia. Although it was not a major surgical procedure young Jeffrey was confused and alone due to the fact that no one ever comforted and explained to him what was going on. At the age of six Jeffrey welcomed a little brother into the world. After his brother was born Jeffrey’s father got a new job and they relocated to Ohio where Jeffrey’s insecurities deepened. At the ag e of ten Jeffrey’s parents started noticingRead MoreJuvenile Offenders And Adult Court1502 Words  | 7 Pagesrequires more severe repercussions. On the other hand we see that youth offenders as being developmentally different than adult offenders and can be rehabilitated even though, it is not considered to be the primary goal of our system. Since the get tough on crime policy deterrence has been the primary goal of our justice system. The government feels that locking someone up will deter other people from making the same mistake. Statistics have shown that this does the opposite. Jeffery Fagan, a ColumbiaRead MoreEssay on The History of Chemistry and Its Influence on Society732 Words  | 3 Pagestechnologies that helped eventually form the different branches of chemistry. Some of the different technologies include taking metals from ores, making pottery and glazes, producing beer and wine, extracting chemicals from plants for medicine and perfume, rendering fat into soap, making different types of glass, and making things called alloys like bronze. The earliest time of chemistry was called, The Early Metallurgy age. 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I recorded in my chart each time a new car entered. When I had observed twenty five drivers, my chart showed that out of these twenty five drivers, twelve were women and thirteen were men. . The observations showed there were distinctions between the numberRead MoreEssay on Teen Pregnancy1244 Words  | 5 Pages In this day and age the rate of teenagers who become pregnant has substantially increased. I myself am not one of them, but having a few friends who became pregnant at a very young age Ive learned quite a bit about it. Now, I am not saying that teenage pregnancy is wrong or right. For some teenagers it could be a very joyful experience if they are mature enough to handle it. It can teach them lessons about life and responsibility. For the less mature teens though, its a disaster. In that caseRead MoreWilliam Of The Battle Of Hastings1124 Words  | 5 Pagesregaining their power following the Great Schism. This was the result of â€Å"Investiture Conflict†over who employed the clergy. They could then Preach sermons to the community of nearly 100% Christians, and some even appointed new rulers. Sadly, like previous Kings (who appointed family as Ch urch clergy), some Popes became corrupt and capitalised their power. They prevaricated about what the Bible expressed, to receive more money from the attendants of the Sunday mass. This was the majority of people, knownRead MoreCompassion Impacts Wayward Youth1619 Words  | 7 Pagesdeveloped in Chicago based on the patriarchal premise that a tough compassionate judge could impact the lives of wayward youths. However, politicians changed this with â€Å"tough on crime†policies for election. Many juvenile criminals became labeled as â€Å"superpredators†and were thus deemed beyond any help and were tried as adults. Fortunately, not everyone in the criminal system believes that juvenile criminals are beyond help. Some of the people that believe that there is hope for the juvenileRead MoreBrave Leos Legacy701 Words  | 3 Pagesactually common size. His mother barely cares for her family since her husband died, so all the pressure it put on Leo. Regardless of it being a burden, for Leo he handles it with exceptional maturity, as if he has been an adult since he was thirteen. Thirteen was a distinctive year for Leo because it was when he received a chip inserted into his wrist which was a tracking device for the government called the Bodhi. The central theme of the dystopia is that the Bodhi won the civil war and got rid
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